Olive Tree House, Charlton Hayes, Bristol
64 Bedroom Care Home with Extra Care Apartments

The development site forms the South eastern boundary to the new ‘Charlton Square’, part of a mixed-use development by Bovis Homes. The design brief called for a ‘landmark building’ that would front the square and set out various design parameters.
Grove Care are renowned for the creation of a “Memory Lane” experience at their development in Winterbourne and this concept was to be developed further on this site.

The development called for a 4-storey building with a centralised Entrance that responded to both the public square and the courtyard car park which would be the arrival point for many. The building was designed with an ‘active frontage’, including shop and hairdressers facing the new public realm.
The building itself houses 64 Care Bedrooms arranged across the 4 floors in suites of 16 with Extra Care Apartments to the Southern side. The creation of a ‘Memory Lane’ as a ground floor wing linked to the courtyard garden was designed with a ‘General Store’, Record Shop and Village Pub, these form an integral part of the client’s dementia care philosophy. The development also provides two separate rooftop gardens.

Our client was extremely happy with the contemporary home and ‘Memory Lane’ has proven to be very popular with the residents.
Phase 2 of the project has now begun on site for a second home providing an additional 40 Care Bedrooms and 4 Townhouses due to be complete early 2019.