Scarlet House, Stroud
86 bedroom care home

Scarlet House is located on Westward Road in Ebley, Stroud.
The home comprises 86 bedrooms providing residential and nursing care over 2 floors.

The design has been laid out around an open rectangular courtyard garden, creating a secure safe outdoor environment with raised planting beds and sitting areas. The garden courtyard focuses on the needs of Dementia care and has been specifically designed for use of dementia residents, who are accommodated on the ground floor.
The site location, it’s challenging constraints and the specific care needs required for the home, are all contributing factors and reflected in the building design and its eventual form. Internal spaces are modern and generous with clear wayfinding for those with dementia.

Located in an established residential area the design intent was to create a building using modern materials and generous spatial properties with the adoption and interpretation of the local vernacular.
The completed home is domestic in scale, its mass broken up with gables and fully glazed links, providing the impression of a group of domestic scale residential buildings to fit within the existing street scene.

Large windows and areas of glazing allow light to stream into the building ensuring all residents can enjoy not only the light and spacious internal rooms and high quality decoration, but the gardens and communal areas beyond.